I finally got a few minutes to work on the next HHN09 challenge. I also got a few moments early this morning to upload the picture. At 8:30am! Why, you may ask? Because someone, with the wrong number, was texting me at that ungodly hour talking to me about cigarettes!!! I considered tracing the call and hunting her down to beat her with her own phone! We are NOT morning people! To top it off someone left the phone in my son's room! Three text message alerts later he was up and so was I. :( Soooo........
Here is my ATC! :)

(Jesus give me mercy!)
The stamp is from Stampabilities. I wrote the verse with a purple SU marker. The edges are inked and distressed. Then I added a self-adhesive jewel to the "y". An easy one! ;)
Now, I am going to try to sneak back to bed. Hold my calls! :)

I love the flowers they look great. Have a great day! :)
Jessica Lynn
Tee he he, I completly understand not being a morning person, LOL. The ATC is adorable. Love the bible verse and how you incorporated the word Almighty into the image.
Great verse, and a lovely card, love the colors, they are so bright and cheery, that should have woken you up :).
I love this verse...very pretty ATC!
beautiful! i love the verse you used!
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