Christmas is just around the corner and I desperately want to get a jump on things. I am planning on crafting a lot of gifts this year so I really should get started....two months ago.
In the meantime here is a compilation of some ah-mazing ideas I've found on Pinterest. I would love to try them all but I am quite certain I will be lucky just to get the tree up this year.
I have been looking for a cute bell wreath so I can make this wall decoration. I will probably find it the day after Christmas.

I've had this idea pinned forever now. I'm sure I have enough buttons stored up. The original link wasn't with this pin. Sorry about that. It looks relatively easy to figure out though.
Here is another pin without a link. I've seen this idea lots of places though. I love anything that is a memory keeper. This would be so cute to look back on each year. Especially when your children are grown.
I love primitive country! This project is quick and super cute. I may actually be able to make some of these this year!

This craft is great because you probably have all the materials on hand.

And time for one more. I am definitely going to try and make one of these ornaments this year. We took a vacation to Disney World this year and this would be perfect for the tree.

So these are a few of the many ideas I have pinned to my Christmas board. I would love to be able to make them all but I am rooted in just enough reality to know that I might be able to make three, tops. You never know though. I might just pull off a little Christmas miracle and make four. :D